I took Dragos Roua's advice and asked myself the infamous 33 questions :) Here I am:
1. What Do You Do For A Living?
I am a communication consultant.
2. Who Do You Love?
Many people, though not so many as you might imagine :) and my cat.
3. Do You Have Enough Money?
I have enough to live a decent life.
4. Are You Healthy?
5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?
Sometimes I am a good person. Sometimes I am not.
6. How Old Are You?
My ID says (almost) 31. As about the age I feel, it's weird. From some points of view I feel older. From others, I feel younger.
7. Who’s Your Best Friend?
My sister.
8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?
Amazingly enough, I don't have a Childhood Dream. I was raised with the idea that if I want something in life, I have to work for it, because there is nobody to give anything to me for free.
9. How Often Do You Laugh?
Not often enough.
10. What Makes You Smile?
Here they are, in random order: Kind people. Old people walking in the park hand in hand. Young men hurrying to meet their date with a flower in their hand. Children asking "why?" questions. Kittens. Flowers. Clouds on a sunny day at the seaside. Pictures. New books. Old acquaintances remembering my birthday. Memories of good moments in my life.
11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?
Myself :)
12. Where Do You Live?
In a rented studio. My books and the cat makes the place "home".
13. Do You Think You’re Strong?
Yes, and it's a matter of mind and will combined.
14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Make something that seemed impossible become possible.
15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Fear of failure, of making mistakes. Most stupid thing ever.
16. Do You Love Yourself?
Let's say I like myself a lot :)
17. What Do You Fear The Most?
To look straight down from the top of a very high building or bridge.
18. What Is Your Favorite Word?
"Foarte tare!" (in English might be "Cool!")
19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
When I failed big and felt powerless.
20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
(to be filled in later)
21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
(to be filled in later)
22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now
Cannot do that. I like to discover the path as I walk.
23. Do You Regret Anything?
Taking a much too long time before making some important decisions in my life.
24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?
Get out of bed and look out on the window.
25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?
Actually, I don't :) I have this particular characteristic of falling asleep instantly.
26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?
A peak of a mountain.
27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
To be more daring.
28. What Are You Proud Of?
My career so far. But there's even more ahead of me :)
29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence
Feed the brain, discover the road and share the knowledge.
30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most
Friends too selfish to listen.
31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?
I have none :) and if by any chance there is some question in the back of my mind I didn't write here, God will show me the answer at the right time :)
32. Do You Have Secrets?
I wouldn't call them "secrets", but rather locked drawers inside myself. They exist, I can feel the lock, they're safe, but they stay back there.
33. What Makes You Laugh?
The laugh of one of my colleagues :) It's absolutely inspiring :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thassos by car - tips and tricks :)
Credeti-ma, Thassos merita sutele de kilometri de sosea pana acolo :) A fost o vacanta superba si plina de aventuri. Fiind prima data cand am facut drumul pana acolo cu masina, dar si prima data in Grecia ca turist (am mai fost la Atena, dar cu avionul si in conditii speciale :) ), am adunat cateva lucruri pe care mi-ar fi placut sa le stiu inainte :p
1. Daca vreti liniste, o mare limpede si superba, o plaja cu nisip fin si aglomeratie moderata, mergeti in Thassos, clar. Eu am fost in Skala Panagia, un loc superb intre munti, coborand in trepte pana la mare. Priceless, va zic.
2.Daca plecati prin Bulgaria:
- GPS-ul va poate ghida gresit. Desi am pus o harta cu update-urile la zi, pe noi ne-a dus pe un drum care nu mai era circulat de niste zeci de ani. Iarba apocaliptica crestea printre crapaturile asfaltului... credeti-ma, nu vreti sa treceti pe acolo :)
- benzinariile OMV sunt minunate pentru drumurile lungi cu masina, dar in Bulgaria NICI UN LUCRATOR de la vreo astfel de benzinarie NU STIE ENGLEZA!
- marea parte a drumurilor sunt relativ proaste. Luati-o incet :)
3.Odata trecuti granita in Grecia:
- nu platiti vigneta. Cu toate astea, drumurile sunt bune, motorways la tot pasul.
- NU AU CONCEPTUL DE BENZINARIE :D adica da, pompe de benzina gasiti. Dar atat. Nu au toalete (sau, daca au, sunt destul de ne-ok), nu prea au gustari sau alte minuni paradisiace pe care le-ati gasi in OMV-urile de mai sus :) Asadar, pregatiti provizii din timp.
Am ajuns la ferry-boat-ul din Keramoti, spre Thassos. Dimineata e din 30 in 30 mins, seara din ora in ora. Pretty smooth, un spectacol drumul de 40 de minute. O gasca de pescarusi a insotit ferry-ul pe toata ruta, zburand planat la nivelul puntii cu pasageri :)
Drumul catre nord-est, catre Skala Panagia, este superb. Sau, ma rog, in functie de sofer si pasager, un dezastru :) e numai serpentine si pante incredibil de inclinate, dar cand padurea se descopera sa lase loc privelistii catre mare...uiti tot :D
Faceti turul insulei Thassos. Fara oprire sau graba, nu cred ca sunt mai mult de 60-75 mins cu masina. Dar daca va duceti in jurul pranzului (cand oricum nu e recomandat sa stai pe plaja :)), opriti-va pentru dejun la Potos, in restaurantul Michalis. Mancarea greceasca este de senzatie (incercati Stifado), iar cei de la restaurant te coplesesc cu atentie (gustari si desert din partea casei, de pilda). A, ospatarii nu prea stiu engleza :D, dar cui ii trebuie cuvinte?! :p
Asa, inca ceva important: cand faceti rezervare de camera de hotel, intrebati absolut orice detaliu va trece prin minte, pentru ca nu stii ce surprize te asteapta. De pilda, am avut o camera superba, cu vedere la mare and all, dar cei "numai 200 m pana la plaja" erau intr-o panta criminal de inclinata. Si hai, ca la coborat e simplu, dar la urcat... :)
Mie mi-a placut maxim vacanta asta. Enjoy yours :)
Am pus poze pe Facebook :)
1. Daca vreti liniste, o mare limpede si superba, o plaja cu nisip fin si aglomeratie moderata, mergeti in Thassos, clar. Eu am fost in Skala Panagia, un loc superb intre munti, coborand in trepte pana la mare. Priceless, va zic.
2.Daca plecati prin Bulgaria:
- GPS-ul va poate ghida gresit. Desi am pus o harta cu update-urile la zi, pe noi ne-a dus pe un drum care nu mai era circulat de niste zeci de ani. Iarba apocaliptica crestea printre crapaturile asfaltului... credeti-ma, nu vreti sa treceti pe acolo :)
- benzinariile OMV sunt minunate pentru drumurile lungi cu masina, dar in Bulgaria NICI UN LUCRATOR de la vreo astfel de benzinarie NU STIE ENGLEZA!
- marea parte a drumurilor sunt relativ proaste. Luati-o incet :)
3.Odata trecuti granita in Grecia:
- nu platiti vigneta. Cu toate astea, drumurile sunt bune, motorways la tot pasul.
- NU AU CONCEPTUL DE BENZINARIE :D adica da, pompe de benzina gasiti. Dar atat. Nu au toalete (sau, daca au, sunt destul de ne-ok), nu prea au gustari sau alte minuni paradisiace pe care le-ati gasi in OMV-urile de mai sus :) Asadar, pregatiti provizii din timp.
Am ajuns la ferry-boat-ul din Keramoti, spre Thassos. Dimineata e din 30 in 30 mins, seara din ora in ora. Pretty smooth, un spectacol drumul de 40 de minute. O gasca de pescarusi a insotit ferry-ul pe toata ruta, zburand planat la nivelul puntii cu pasageri :)
Drumul catre nord-est, catre Skala Panagia, este superb. Sau, ma rog, in functie de sofer si pasager, un dezastru :) e numai serpentine si pante incredibil de inclinate, dar cand padurea se descopera sa lase loc privelistii catre mare...uiti tot :D
Faceti turul insulei Thassos. Fara oprire sau graba, nu cred ca sunt mai mult de 60-75 mins cu masina. Dar daca va duceti in jurul pranzului (cand oricum nu e recomandat sa stai pe plaja :)), opriti-va pentru dejun la Potos, in restaurantul Michalis. Mancarea greceasca este de senzatie (incercati Stifado), iar cei de la restaurant te coplesesc cu atentie (gustari si desert din partea casei, de pilda). A, ospatarii nu prea stiu engleza :D, dar cui ii trebuie cuvinte?! :p
Asa, inca ceva important: cand faceti rezervare de camera de hotel, intrebati absolut orice detaliu va trece prin minte, pentru ca nu stii ce surprize te asteapta. De pilda, am avut o camera superba, cu vedere la mare and all, dar cei "numai 200 m pana la plaja" erau intr-o panta criminal de inclinata. Si hai, ca la coborat e simplu, dar la urcat... :)
Mie mi-a placut maxim vacanta asta. Enjoy yours :)
Am pus poze pe Facebook :)
Un proiect extrem de istet
...a fost cel realizat de echipa redactionala BIZ, care a pregatit numarul 200 al revistei, cu tot cu tipar, in 48 de ore.
Felicitari multe, multe :)
Felicitari multe, multe :)
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